Whilst the situation improved during the various beta's, there were (and are) two major bugs that caused me to change the structure of our code (both around protocols and class/static variables with generics). I'm sure they will be solved, but these issues need to be at the top of Apple's list.
So you've edited (boing boing boing boing boing, beach ball, back), compiled (1 error, segfault in the compiler, refactor to carry on), which just leaves debugging... To be fair to Swift the aggressive avoidance of forced unwrapping meant that we only needed the debugger for functional problems rather than crashes. However, all to often the debugger is unable to tell me what is in self, let alone things that might live a little further out of scope. One can work around this (although I can't add po's to the breakpoints as they deliver the same result) with println's and similar techniques, but it's frustrating and difficult at times.
So you know, apart from editing, compiling and debugging the tools are in great shape. I'm not an idiot, and I am deeply impressed that Chris and the rest of the Apple team have come this far in such a short space of time since beta 1, but there is still a way to go and to ignore that would be fool-hardy.
Overall, it was a pleasure. Of course I've need to work in other languages during the period, and Swift has managed to make all of them (strangely with the exception of JavaScript) feel heavy and cluttered (especially Java). The tooling issues are an annoyance, and they have cost me hours of time. However, overall my feeling is that it has taken me less time, not more, to develop the app, and that it is more stable as a result. I have been able to focus on the functionality, when I have had to spend time on other projects it has been easier to settle back in to Yearn, Swift leaves your logic exposed and readable.
That has to be a major win just 6 (ish) months after the release of a brand new language. Here's to the future.
Even a simple text adventure contains all of the fundamentals of lexers, parsers, and interpreters. Using STLR to define the grammar, and its Swift code generation, we quickly create a simple adventure game in Swift.