Creating a (deep) native Swift object from a plist

In a follow up to the previous post, here's a quick snippet that creates the Swift equivalent of NSPropertyListSerialization, returning the most "native" Swift objects it is able to


import Foundation
class PropertyListSerialization{    
    class func loadFromFile(filePath:String, inout error:NSError?) -> Any?{
        var anError : NSError?
        let data : NSData! = NSData.dataWithContentsOfFile(filePath, options: NSDataReadingOptions.DataReadingUncached, error: &anError)
        //Could we load the data?
        if let theError = anError{
            error = theError
            return nil
        let pList : AnyObject! = NSPropertyListSerialization.propertyListWithData(
            options: 0,
            format: nil,
            error: &anError)
        //Could we load the property list from the data?
        if let theError = anError{
            error = theError
            return nil
        return swiftNativest(pList)
    class func swiftNativest(object:AnyObject) -> Any?{
        if let nsDict:NSDictionary = object as? NSDictionary{
            var swiftDict : Dictionary<String,Any!> = Dictionary<String,Any!>()
            for key : AnyObject in nsDict.allKeys{
                let stringKey : String = key as String
                if let keyValue : AnyObject = nsDict.valueForKey(stringKey){
                    swiftDict[stringKey] = swiftNativest(keyValue)
            return swiftDict
        } else if let nsArray:NSArray = object as? NSArray{
            var swiftArray : Array<Any!> = Array<Any!>()
            for value : AnyObject in nsArray{
            return swiftArray
        } else if let nsNumber:NSNumber = object as? NSNumber{
            return nsNumber.integerValue
        } else if let nsString:NSString = object as? NSString{
            return nsString as String
        return nil
let pListFilePath = "/Users/you/your.plist"
var anError : NSError?
if let pList = PropertyListSerialization.loadFromFile(pListFilePath, error: &anError){

Swift Studies

Nigel has been developing software for over 30 years. Starting with the ZX Spectrum and moving through the Commodore 64, Amiga, the Windows PC area and for the last 6 years the Mac.